Saturday, February 14, 2009

Conversation with Jessica

Jessica is constantly dressing up. She puts tiaras on, high heels on, necklaces on, and whatever she can find to dress up with. Well yesterday she put a really cute pink hat on that had a strap for under her chin. She came over to me and said:

Jessica: Mom, I a "dow boat"
Mom: You're a tow boat??
Jessica: No, I'm a dow bow.
Mom: You're a bow??
Jessica: NOOOOOO, I'm a dow bowl.
Mom: You're a dow bowl???
Jessica: NOOOOOO, I'm a dowabowl (pheonicatically spelling here)
Mom: OOHH, you're adorable.
Jessica: Yeeaaaaa, I'm adorable.

Man, you would think by my 4th child I could interpret some of this stuff. Thank goodness I finally got it. And she was ADORABLE!!!

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